New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo rocks. He's always stood for the right side of things, and now has managed to unearth (via subpoena) that 73 AIG people stand to get at least $1 million.
Is it fraud if a company demands a bailout and then pays bonuses to boneheads? Does an employee have to actually *earn* a bonus these days?
I would also like for Mr. Cuomo to check into Countrywide. I find it galling that the people who largely got us into this mess are now making money hand over fist from it. Yes, they're helping some distressed homeowners, but let's tally up the "we screwed you" v. the "we helped you" list and see where things land. My guess is List One is miles long. Since New York's comptroller has filed a suit against Countrywide, it might not be out of Cuomo's jurisdiction.