Sunday, October 15, 2006


I'm so sorry--On September 29th, I said 290 people had been killed in my city. My bad, let me rectify that. The number is actually 316, as of Friday night. Might be even higher by now.

What I'm still waiting to have answered is: how many more people have to die until my city does something about it? Do you live here? If so, why aren't you furious? And if you are furious, why aren't you acting? Where the hell is my deadass city council rep who only shows herself when it's voting time? When will this be important enough to put some effort into it?

And finally, can I please get some reassurance that if this were happening in the rich white areas of Philadelphia, the response would be equally anemic? I'm sure we'd all feel much better if we knew the lack of response was democratic.

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