Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Glass Houses

Today's NYT contains an article about Condi & Co's assessment of human rights in the world. The State Department has come to the conclusion that freedoms are "eroding" in its annual survey of human rights practices. (TrogDigression: Has no one in the State Department taken a grammar class? Freedoms are not active doers, thus must take a passive stance. Freedoms have been eroded.)

Apparently in the report, lots of countries were examined. 193, to be exact. But guess which country's human rights practices weren't examined? Can you guess? Us! Can you believe that? You'd think we'd be right up there, as a model. Maybe not. Maybe Condi et al also had a hard time justifying our practice while simultaneously dunning everybody else.

Source #3 tells some stories that might make you sick. If you read them, you should feel very proud that you aren't being represented by those other, terrible, 193 countries with human rights violations. Yessirree.


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