Thursday, March 25, 2010

Not so good

Today I read that Osama Bin Laden has decided that if we execute Khalid Sheik Mohammed, considered the architect of 9/11, he will immediately kill everyone who is American who is currently being held by Al-Qaeda.

So, my questions begin:
1. Were people being detained by Al-Qaeda being treated with respect prior to this moment? I remember the beheading of Daniel Pearl and countless others, so I'm thinking no.
2. If we don't execute KSM, that rat bastard, will we all of a sudden have diplomacy with a terrorist organization? Again, no.
3. Al-Qaeda isn't currently holding any Americans, but its mutant sister group, the Taliban's Haqqani group, is. Does everything that goes for Al-Qaeda go for Haqqani? Secondarily, would Haqqani have any funding if it weren't for Al-Qaeda?
4. Do I actually need to pay attention to a guy who has been living in caves since 2001 and has been described on more than occasion as dead?

Sources, I got sources:

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