Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Utter crap

This is a story about dreadful customer service. I'm not naming companies b/c getting sued is less adorable than you might think. Company X had my ex-husband and me on an auto policy. Obviously, we are now divorced. I moved my policy to the same company but a closer office to my house. He still has his policy at that office.

Last month, they charged me the entire amount for both our policies despite my having changed over to the other office. They eventually paid me back, and gave me an additional $1.06 for my trouble. This month, they took the money to cover HIS policy out of MY bank account.

I don't know how to think about this other than to call it stealing. This company has been pretty blase about the whole thing.

Who thinks I might need a different company, despite the fact that I've been with these people since 1996?


Julie said...

A certain gargantuan credit card company that gives you miles for a certain big airline didn't care one whit that I'd been with them for over 10 years when they jacked up my interest to 29% (slipped it in just before the reform deadline). They kept telling me that since I didn't carry a balance that I was being an idiot for wanting to cancel. Yet cancel I did because as much as I loved the miles I couldn't stomach knowing I had a card with that rate, even if I did pay off every month.

BlogTrog said...

The same thing happened to me. Unlike you, I had a huge balance and realized I'd never even be able to pay the interest. Some nice soul came in with money for me to pay it all off.