Saturday, August 09, 2008

L'affaire Edwards

I said I didn't trust the man. I said he looked amphibian. I said I didn't believe his ripoff of Robert Kennedy's War on Poverty was anything more than an opportunistic grab.

But even I didn't think the man couldn't keep it zipped. Why can so few men in power keep it zipped? But this time it's particularly odious, because the woman to whom he did this is dying, and chose to live out the rest of her days largely on a campaign bus for him.

The thought of this

hitting this

just doesn't feel too bad.

It's very simple, men. If you want to screw around, divorce your wife first. If you want to stay married, keep it zipped. How you got to be in power when you're too stupid to know this in the first place is truly a mystery.

1 comment:

Tom Boutell said...

If you're going to divorce your wife, try to take the timing into account just a wee bit. Newt Gingrich, pushing the divorce issue while his wife lay dying of cancer? Not much better than Edwards as a human being. (Politically, though, I grant that Gingrich's shitty treatment of his dying wife was not as relevant, because he wasn't publicly claiming to be the perfect husband.)