Thursday, September 04, 2008

Smear this on your puppy's lips

So the only difference between pitbulls and hockey moms is lipstick? Hmm. Let me play that game, too.

Here are the differences b/w Joe Biden and Sarah Palin:
1. The former didn't take 5 years to get through 6 schools. He got through U of Delaware and Syracuse Law in normal time.
2. The former didn't go back to work 3 days after a special-needs child was born. In fact, when the former was made a senator, he was sworn in from his son's hospital room, where he was after a horrific accident that killed his wife and baby daughter.
3. The latter said she was proud of her 17-year-old's decision to raise a child. You can be pro-life, you can accept life's realities. It doesn't mean you're proud of the situation. Being proud of an oncoming trainwreck just means your judgment is dreadful.
4. The former isn't governor of a state that functions unlike any other. Moreoever, he's worked in Washington. Just like McCain. Just like Obama.
5. The former actually has foreign-policy experience.
6. The former isn't being investigated for having a government employee canned for his unwillingness to fire someone the former didn't like. And the former isn't trying to withhold the investigation until nanoseconds before the election.
7. The latter dissed Washington's elite, but never once had the cajones to admit it's her party that's been running the shoddy show for the last eight years.

Nothing to see here, folks. It's just more of the same, from the party who taught you (courtesy the Karl Rove playbook), "When you have nothing to offer, hurl invective at the other side."

Face it: Palin's a hillbilly in go-go boots who supports drilling and guns, and has no new ideas. I can't imagine what drove McCain against choosing an actual qualified Republican female, like Olympia Snowe, or Kay Bailey Hutchison, but it makes me question his judgment (not to mention his campaign's vetting process.) And it makes me wonder how much closer the glass ceiling falls on all women's heads when public women's personal lives get in the way of their jobs in a way they simply don't for public men.

(Let me save my rant against the insulting idea that as a woman, I'd have to vote for a woman on the basis of her being a woman, never mind that she's completely counter to all I hold dear, for another day.)

Sources, I got your sources:

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