Wednesday, February 02, 2011

2/2/11 Random Thoughts

Love it when numbers are in synch like that. So today is February 2nd, and I really don't care whether Phil saw his shadow or not. I think spring will show up whenever it damn well feels like showing up. Punxatawney Phil is a hoax.

Today I'm thinking about small changes, like flossing, always taking one's makeup off at night, drinking coffee with no sugar or milk, stuff like that. I am trying hard to lose 15 pounds. I keep trying to get to the gym but the roads are too poor for that right now. So I am working hard to eat a lot less, and it seems to be working. One plate at dinner, soup for lunch.

My husband is at work right now and pretty soon (as soon as I finish my CLE and get back in compliance) I will be at work, too. I am going to be a tenant lawyer. I am very happy about that. I have to go to court a lot, but that is OK. That's how I will make money. If you're a lawyer, be a lawyer, not a fundraiser.

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